Wednesday, January 30, 2008

After a night's "sleep"

So, I lay awake thinking about writing. When I did manage to sleep, I woke four times because ideas kept nudging me awake. I've been listening to Amanda Dickson's "Wake Up To A Happier Life" and loving it. She asks, "What makes you lose track of time?" Writing is definitely IT. I feel more alive while spouting ideas onto paper than at any other time. "Misfit Me" feels actually human-- surprisingly a part of the race-- when I'm doing that. Yesterday I got a card from a sweet lady, Lucille. She complimented my writing style, and thanked me for my words. WOW. What a much-needed and well-timed boost!

1 comment:

The McKay's said...

congrats on your blogging! yahoo! keep it up and i can't wait for more.