Friday, November 20, 2009

There are so many kinds of theft! Just because someone doesn't shoplift or cheat on their taxes DOESN'T mean they don't steal. A person can steal that which can never be replaced, and they often do it with their words, which cannot be called back. (That which is irreparable is serious business.) If a person damages my reputation, they rob me as surely as if they held a gun to my head and demanded my wallet. Actually, those who gossip and slander and judge are more craven and cruel than a mugger packing heat. Gossips work in the shadows, harping and carping and spreading the ooze of their sick infection, but never, ever will they stand face to face with the person they assault with their half-truths, twisting of facts, and self-serving lies. In the light, such cowards attempt to appear so righteous and holy, so sweet and pure, but the facade is not the reality. Nope. They put on their phony faces and they think their charade is reality, but truth is truth, no matter what. Such ninnies believe themselves, and it's embarrassing to watch! They may fool themselves, but they never fool Heaven. They can close their eyes, plug their ears, and say all day, "Lalalalalala, I'm right, I'm right, I'm right," but that doesn't change fact. I recently learned to my disgust that someone posted online how "grateful" they were for help received from me. That probably made her feel just wonderful, absolved of the ponderous burden of guilt for what she did in return; but she did what she did, and the people she sucked into her fantasy did what they did-- without remorse, past feeling, with their feet cemented in ridiculous pride. This person is SO grateful for my help that she annihilated my family and me with sick, strange, and ludicrous accusations that will blight my life until it ends. So, Thief, you are what you are, and you can't escape it. I will run from you and yours forever, because you are dangerous, and you are cruel. Play any "victim" game you want, but you are what you are.

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